We are on the wait list! Can you guess what number we were given? We had the best night with our boys tonight and we had to top it all off with these silly photos. Below you will see our post with yesterday's big news and what it all means in terms of a timeline to learning who our daughter will be. It is so exciting and we feel so blessed to know we will have another little being in our world and in our hearts. Her brothers will be amazing and although it is tough to help them better understand adoption, We know that God will give us the tools and the dialogue we need when we need it.
It was a day of celebration in the life of two families also working with our agency, AGCI. Both of the families were called today with referrals. The Pratt family received a call about a 6 week old baby boy and the Andersen family, who were placed in the number one spot on September 4th for both a girl and also for siblings, received a referral of twin 6 week old girls. It was a busy night on the list serv, where many families all chat and share news. It is a supportive group of people who amaze me with how they live their lives and their faithfulness and service to others. There are so many families we wish we could get to know. There are so many families who are willing to open their eyes to the orphan. I learn new things each and every day by following their journeys.
So all day I've been thinking that somewhere tonight there is an Ethiopian woman who recently gave birth to a child or children she will not raise. She perhaps chose to relinquish the child into the arms of strangers who have more resources or options than she. Or maybe the same woman knows that she will not survive the years it will take to see her child grow. Maybe she is ill or lacks support and basic needs to live and thrive, therefore choosing life for the young child. Whoever this woman is we may never know. But each day I stand in awe of the many women worldwide who carry babies inside their bodies only to be faced with the ultimate challenge of knowing it is best if she lets he or she go. Someone who works in the arena of adoption once told me to pray for birthmothers. I do. I pray for them to find courage and peace and I pray for them to somehow know down deep what a gift they have given to another, both birth child and adoptive family. May they in some small way feel the love that many families are yearning to provide to the young heart of a precious and helpless orphan.